Monday, February 23, 2015

Dreaming of Lavender

February has been so cold and we have snow on the ground. This time of year I am dreaming of and planning my spring garden.   We have been in a drought for a number of years and this spring I want to include many more plants and flowers that have minimal watering requirements.   We are already on a year-round water rationing schedule so planting the right flowers is important to keep my garden full of blooms this summer.  

Lavender is one plant that tops my list each year since it doesn't need a lot of water.   Our winters can be harsh too so I find myself replanting a few plants each year as some don't make it through the cold.   I don't mind though because I am rewarded with such beautiful flowers 
for cutting and lavender has few pests.  
It's also bunny and deer resistant too!

I've been trying a few more varieties each year to see which will grow best in my climate.  I think Provence, Grosso and Blanco top the list so far for Oklahoma.   This year I want like to try a few of the deep purple varieties and will have to order online since my local nurseries only 
carry the more common varieties.  

My hubbie and I will be putting in a few more beds for lavender this spring.   I will be ordering my 'Grosso' plants from Purple Haze Lavender in Sequim, 
Washington this year.  

                                   Purple Haze Lavender Farm

For our anniversary in July we are headed up to  Washington for the lavender festival and then up to Vancouver Island, British Columbia to enjoy the natural beauty of the Pacific Northwest.  There are so many lavender farms in that area and I can hardly wait to experience all that lavender in person.  
   The Sequim Lavender Festival  is a three day event and I hope to visit each and every farm on the tour.   

(Photos used by permission)
 Purple Haze Lavender Farm

  Just looking at lavender via Pinterest and 
visiting lavender farm websites
 is therapy this time of year. 

I'm counting the days until Spring!

              I'm linking with             
Marty's Inspire Me Tuesday and


  1. Gorgeous! Another Lavender lover!

  2. Great, i love the color of that last one. I've seen my first row of lavender just last December in New Zealand, and it is in a private house. I felt so wonderful as i just see them in photos. Then at the Botanical Garden there are some plants too, but not as large plantings as rows and rows like those in farms. I also haven't smell the natural scent, what a shame!

  3. That lavender farm is awesome. Never have seen one before. So gad you shared this beauty with us.

  4. Lavender is so beautiful, Sonia. I have a small patch of it and enjoy cutting blooms for drying. I have even made tea and cookies with lavender. Your anniversary trip sounds wonderful!

  5. So beautiful Sonia! What a fun trip you have planned this year! If you do get to San Diego County sometime, the Keys Creek Lavender Farm is one you would like I think, although it's very small. I have a post about it on my blog, or of course, you can go to their own website and blog. It's near Valley Center. I like your hobby of "lavender love." :) Have a great week.

  6. Enjoyed the cyber tour very much. Thanks for sharing. I loved the Lavender shots.
    JM, IL

  7. I've always loved lavender and the trip you and your hubby are planning sounds wonderful. Have a great weekend... :)

  8. Sonia, these lav pix just make my heart smile! Thanks to you, I would love to go to some more lavender farms! Have you been to the Keys Creek Lavender Farm in Valley Center, CA? It's just a little one in San Diego County, but it's neat! Anyway, glad you liked my new bed canopy from Goodwill! We had great fun with that. You are correct that it's smart not to overbuy even at Goodwill and I try to be careful about that too, especially living in 710 SF! So I'm always editing my spaces. But when I do replace things that wear out or break etc., I like to buy them at Goodwill because they're so inexpensive and so pretty usually because they're older things with character. Anyway, I'm glad you stop by my blog--your kind comments are always a ray of sunshine. :)

  9. Hermoso blog y hermosos sus trabajos!1

    Con cariño Victoria

  10. Good morning, dear Sonia! Your post is brimming over with beauty and charm - I thoroughly enjoyed my visit.

    May you have a delightful week. Hugs!

  11. Hi Sonia,
    I am new here, came by your blog through my dear friend Carolyn's. I love your garden video. We share a love of gardens. I'll be back but have to go start my day job now. I'll be back to visit. It is very calming here. Thanks for sharing your passion. Happy Week to you,
    Linda at Beautiful Ideas


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