Friday, May 17, 2019

Perfume Bottle Vases

    I love repurposing things I've had for years.
My Mom gave me a collection of perfume bottles years ago she purchased when she lived in the Middle East.   I haven't used them in years so I decided to put them in my garage sale and not one of them sold.  

I was packing things up and I realized they would be perfect little bud vases and that I could turn something I didn't use anymore into things I would use all the time.

I love how they look in my window sill and since they only hold a few flowers they are easy to change out.

Our roses have bloomed so well this year and and I'm so happy with my little "vases".

Friday, May 10, 2019

Happy Mother's Day

We are having chilly and wet weather for this time of year but my flower garden provides little bouquets for me and Mom to enjoy on rainy days.

Happy Mother's Day!

I'm linking with Beverly's Pink Saturday