Monday, December 10, 2018

Winter Greenhouse

It's been months since I've posted but thought I would do an update post on my little greenhouse and how it's doing this first winter.    

I'm so excited to see everything growing and blooming in December.   I put as many pots as I could fit inside and we hooked up a small portable heater and so far it has maintained the temperature around 40 degrees even on the coldest nights.

I mostly have herbs, geraniums and coleus stored inside and  everything is doing really well.   After a few months of tending in my little space, I now know how I will re-organize the shelves next year to leave more
 room for my larger pots.  

I plan on starting seedlings in late January, 
especially milweed for the Monarchs. 
This past fall we had the most incredible 
migration of Monarchs I've ever seen.
If you plant milkweed they will come!

Merry Christmas!


  1. I know you are loving this space, Sonia! It hurts me deep down when the cold winds blow and my plant go. We have all of ours stashed in the garage this year and so far so good but it hasn't been extremely cold yet. You are going to love pulling those beauties out in the spring and the Monarchs will be grateful too!

  2. Sonia, how wonderful to have a greenhouse! Looks beautiful and it must be such a treat to visit on a cold day.


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